5 People You Need to Stop Dating in 2017

1. The One You Don’t Really Like
Sometimes you’re way more into the idea of being in a relationship than the relationship itself. Stop dating for the sake of dating and always trying to make things happen. That doesn’t mean don’t put any effort into it, but it’s not a bad thing to admit you’re not into someone and cut ties. It’s much worse to keep it going, in spite of all your feelings, and drag it out until they think you’re in love and you want to fling yourself off a bridge every time you see her face. That’s on you.

2. The One You Already Broke Up With
Look, there’s a reason you broke up. If you just had a little fight and rekindled the relationship that’s one thing, but it’s very easy to romanticize a bad relationship, focusing on the good memories while completely forgetting about all the times you were asked to leave various Cheesecake Factories because you couldn’t use your indoor voice while arguing. When you’re single, it’s easy to start scrolling through your contacts and hit up that ex all of your friends hated, but we all know how it’s going to end—and so does the night manager at Chili’s.

3. The One with No Ambition
This is a big one, especially the older you get. In high school and college it was no big deal if you dated someone who only wanted to lie on the couch and watch My Two Dads reruns all day. But when you become a grownup and you want to build a life with someone, it’s difficult when you’re focused on bettering your career and she’s focused on having enough money to get Wendy’s for lunch. Of course we all go through hard times and by no means should you bail on someone while they’re down, but there’s a big difference between being going through a rough patch and making no effort to elevate yourself.


4. The One Who’s Always in a Crisis
As I mentioned earlier, you’d be kind of a monster to pack up and bail as soon as someone falls on hard times, but if every conversation is about a new crisis, you might want to reconsider things. When’s the last time she asked how you were or listened to any of your problems? There’s a big difference between being supportive and letting someone take advantage of you. Support and care has to be a two-way street or things will get very unbalanced very quickly.

 5.The One who Tells You She’s Crazy

It’s incredible how many red flags we ignore because we think we’re in love. Some people are clear right up front and will tell you that all of their exes hate them and they’ve tried to burn their houses down, and we just nod and smile while cartoon hearts pop out of our eyes. If someone is trying to make it abundantly clear that she’s a disaster and shouldn’t be in a relationship, let’s start taking her word for it, OK?


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